mind is frozen and my head is exploding the doors are open
and i'm waiting where are my feelings from the past? it's
sheer madness inside - only dust!
through the time
i feel hurt and sick of doubt screams of pain choke in my
mouth inside of me, i feel the unique lie raving mad and
cruel, weep under mercury sky
lying for so many times in
dirt down on the floor! wishing that a new flame will be
coming through the door! my sea's full of bitter tears! now a
life is gone! when the rays of light fade away and there's no
sense under my sun!
deeply hurt was overwhelmed by
fear the nightmare scratches my skin - doesn't
disappear the cold stone angel was cool as you pleased he
tells me,- the white gate was achieved
in all that time
this picture is engraved the birds are dumb - dwindling my
faith weak and poor! - i drift in the stream i'm drowned!
- what's all this supposed to mean?
lying for so many
times in dirt down on the floor! whishing that a new flame
will be coming through the door! my sea's full of bitter
tears! - now a life is gone! when the rays of light fade away
and there's no sense under my sun!
ride on the wings of
my soul! ride on the wings of my soul! ride on the wings
of my soul! ride on the wings of my soul!
my mind
is frozen and my head is exploding the doors are open and i'm
waiting there is no healing, deranged, - forget! crimson
tears comes down! - covered in sweat!
the earth flings
open! - a horrid seat! abandon lose my hope and than
defeated now it's for certain - the die is cast! farewell
my pain! - by the way and at last!
lying for so many
times in dirt down on the floor! wishing that a new flame
will be coming through the door! my sea's full of bitter
tears! now a life is gone! when the rays of light fade away
and there's no sense under my sun!
Musik: S.
Bräuer Text: R. Wesely
atem pulsiert durch die dunkelheit, ein hauch von angst
flieht durch den raum vor tagen war es hier noch
hell, vorbei, ein sanfter lichterfüllter traum
schwach wie holz in hellen flammen, so schwach wie gutes auf
der welt, das dunkle hat besitz genommen von dem, was
einst mein herz gequält
am tag der sonne helden
singen trau meinem herz, es ist soweit ein sturm, des
wahnsinns eisenschwingen trägt den choral zur
ein zweig zerbricht, ein ast, ein stamm sieh
doch die schatten, die sich jagen die ungeheure macht des
sturmes, ich weis ein lichtstrahl könnte sie
der ozean versinkt im wasser das feuer es
stirbt in roter glut im schatten wird es dann heller sein und
immer schwärzer wird mein blut
am tag der sonne
helden singen trau meinem herz, es ist soweit ein sturm,
des wahnsinns eisenschwingen trägt den choral zur
ein gitter fern aus hartem stahl verwehrt
den weg zur ruhe mir such deine hand; du unerreichbar nah und
doch weis ich, bald bist du hier
am tag der sonne
helden singen trau meinem herz, es ist soweit ein sturm,
des wahnsinns eisenschwingen trägt den choral zur
Musik: R. Wesely Text: F.
Schaarschmidt / R. Wesely
The Fire
a thorn in my heart, awoken by pain, be in anguish is there
hope? - in longest winternight, i know the time is
right! like a call of owls, in longest winternight- force
of attraction, driving me away traces in the snow - i must
follow now! is there a fire, behind the trees?
it's later than you think! use the fire! use the
fire! reach out now, before you sink! for desire! for
a human being shrouded in a strange
coat i've got a feeling i've seen it before. slowly i
approached myself the face was partly conceded but all of
this so intimate!
"move closer, please!"
and the man pokes the ember "look into the fire - it's
burning down! search for your truth and bring me
firewood!" somehow or other, - he looks like me!
it's later than you think! use the fire! use the
fire! reach out now, before you sink! for desire! for
he drew his hood back. i
see the eyes! i look into his eyes! i see my eyes! and now,
i realise - he's my soul! he's my soul!
it's later than you think! use the fire! use
the fire! reach out now, before you sink! for desire! for
"more! - give me more! for desire!"
Musik: M. Sohn Text: R. Wesely
half past 4 in the morning i dreamt of struggle and blood -
what a luck! i have a narrow escape! nearly! they
grasp at me with their long tantacles but i ask, i ask for
asylum! and you gave me protection!
everything is
full of meaning, when you smile to me, - my
starchild! anywhere, i know you think of me anway, i'm
getting closer, when you are watching me,- my
spacelight! anwhere, i feel it seems to be -
yes, i know - there's a splendid
zoom! resurrection in a sinister tomb!
now i'm
standing infront of my open window i count the stars. they
are still there - so fair! i draw the smell from the
plants in the night my journey so high! to your
red hair and your porcelain skin
everything is full of
meaning, when you smile to me, - my starchild! anywhere, i
know you think of me anyway, i'm getting closer, when you are
watching me,- my spacelight! anywhere, i feel it seems to
be - suddenly
i thought, i perished with cold! in
a scary word! in a rotten world!
everything is full
of meaning....
Musik: S. Bräuer Text: R.
My Dreams
thinking of giving up my lonely searching everywhere was
cold, it was cold and no smile to make me warmer
a sign
of intolerance on every humans forehead they are running just
like ants, just like ants and no time to rest a moment
my dreams i can leave the long dark night in my dreams i
touch the shiny side i'm lifted and i'm drifting away far
from pain, through the rain and my world's no longer
come take a look, at the envious - they are
hating and fighting everywhere i go is led by wealth, led by
wealth and no heart beats here in kindness
and also
you and you don't know the answer all visions decay to dust,
to dust and there's no hope to break your silence
my dreams i can leave the long dark night in my dreams i
touch the shiny side i'm liftet and i'm drifting away far
from pain, through the rain and my world's no longer grey
Musik: R. Wesely Text: R. Wesely
Part II
soul hangs in the wind of freedom every step breathes
history you paint a smile on my lips the stones speak
stories to me
the brightness shines into my heart your
spirit leads me like a guide tell me your deepest secrets and
rush me in a wide delight
island of glory, island of
gold i stir up my oldest dreams place so enchanting,
castles so old i feel again the mighty streams
heart beats in the spell of gleam it smells so good like salt
and foam your walls and towers are plunged in gold i feel
like coming home
a glowing light is carying me i think
it's time to settle down between the sky and the width of the
sea my empire! and you'll be my crown!
surf, peace, war, eternaty, blue, sand, water and wind,
island of glory, island
of gold i stir up my oldest dreams
place so enchanting, castles so old i feel again
the mighty streams
Musik: M. Sohn Text: R.
steh` am meer und sehe dein gesicht und ich
erkenn` der tod, der schenkt uns nichts
wellen peitschen, es schäumt die gischt und
dennoch spür ich dich, ich träume nicht
firmament droht mir die nackte angst, wenn ich
auch glaube, dass du leben kannst
himmelszelt verdunkelt sich das licht der
strand ist schmutzig, mein bild von dir
hab ich dich verlor'n ?! wir
standen doch am meer wir waren grade erst
geboren, jetzt gibt es uns nicht mehr! nur
staub in meiner hand! vorbei die
seeligkeit! ein lodernd heller freudenhimmel,
im trauerfarbenkleid.
ich geh den weg, der
uns einst verband es fällt ein
schatten auf den leeren strand
warst meine
sehnsucht, die ich im herzen trug die luft so klar,
ein reiner atemzug
dort bei den kiefern, auf
der alten bank, nur noch erinnerung, ein traum im meer
ein kalter morgen, nacht und tag
vermischt will nach dir greifen, dass schattenbild
hab ich dich verlorn?! wir standen doch am
meer wir waren grade erst geboren, jetzt gibt es uns
nicht mehr! nur staub in meiner hand! vorbei die
seeligkeit! ein lodernd heller freudenhimmel, im
Musik: M. Sohn Text: R.
Wesely / M. Sohn
evil has a friendly face - i can tell you if you ask me first
time it was a heavently place - my only thought was: she!
palace built on glacier ice - i was a prisoner in her
empire love never sees any lies - she sucked me out like a
she's like an animal, an animal to me! she's
like an animal, really it seems to be!
now, i sit
in my iron cage - the last resort wasn't discovered love has,
love has changed into rage. i broke the spell to love
her rage and love - close to close i'm free! no
more woes!
she sucked me out like a vampire
like an animal, an animal to me! she's like an animal,
really, it seems to be!
Musik: S. Bräuer Text: R.
don't know what will become of us!" said my servant in the
noon the stock of water is running out, be parched with
thirst, than we are dying soon"
"you know
it's spring at home and young life everywhere! will we
see home again?! or will we perish in the
as far, as i can tell - sand in the
desert all in all, all is not well - sand in the desert sand
in my face, sand in my eyes sand in my mouth - rise and
rise sand in the desert - sand in the desert
and the
steps hard like a thousend miles - almost sink in i close my
eyes and start to see all the wishes become phantasie
on sejjid! hold on! release is coming soon! we drink
the icy - cold water from the cistern and my promise is a
great return!
as far, as i can tell - sand in the
desert all in all, all is not well - sand in the desert sand
in my face, sand in my eyes sand in my mouth - rise and
rise sand in the desert - sand in the desert
come on
sejjid! come on! i see we lie in the shady garden the place
is so quiet - i feast my eyes on the beauty everything's so
full of joy of life!
as far, as i can tell - sand
in the desert all in all, all is not well - sand in the
desert sand in my face, sand in my eyes sand in my mouth -
rise and rise sand in the desert - sand in the
Musik: M. Sohn Text: R. Wesely
awake from my dreams, early in the morning i get up from my
bed and think i'm falling
close the door behind me,
standing alone, thinking about you it's 4
o'clock, that's true
my heart will be broken, like
a branch in the wind one more time, i can't believe - what an
now i go downstairs, down to my
car, fasten my seat belt, but i'm driving not so
not so far! i see you again not so far! than i see
you again
one more time i lick your ear i don't
know what's fear i see in your eyes i know this is the
feel my heart like a stone pumping feel a
little bit drunken
oh my falling angel, you look so
nice! my feelings like ice
i think it's a dream , feel
come jump in my car we are driving
not so far
not so far! i see you again. not
so far! than i see you again.
Musik: M. Sohn Text
: M. Sohn
steh' ich auf der brücke denk an dich, fast ersticke,
ersticke nur einmal noch dich tief berühren nur
einmal noch deine nähe spüren
meine welt in
trümmern liegt in meinem hirn, da tobt der krieg im
tiefen seelenkerker wird meine liebe stärker
einmal noch deine hände berühren nur einmal noch
deine nähe spüren nur einmal noch in deine augen
sehen nur einmal noch brennend untergehen
der wahnsinn
treibt mich auf die brücke in einsamkeit zu eis
erstarrt will zerfallen in tausend stücke geblendet
und von dir genarrt
der mond erscheint am firmament und
wirft fahles, nebliges licht auf die brücke und ich
schaue in die tiefe die unter ihr wohnt, in die tiefe
wahnsinn treibt mich auf die brücke in die tiefe in
einsamkeit zu eis erstarrt in die tiefe will zerfallen in
tausend stücke in die tiefe geblendet und von dir
genarrt und spring
und spring in die dunklen fluten spüre mein herz
verbluten nur einmal noch deine lippen küssen nur
einmal noch dich total vermissen
ich spüre keine
stunde mehr spüre auch keine tage keine kalte
nacht es holt mich die dunkle macht
der wahnsinn
treibt mich auf die brücke in einsamkeit zu eis
erstarrt will zerfallen in tausend stücke geblendet
und von dir genarrt
losgelöst von meiner tat schwebe
ich empor der lichtstrahl der mich fortgeleitet flüstert
mir ins ohr
du wirst niemals ruhe finden niemals
in deiner zeit vakuum und raum verschwinden in die
Musik: M. Sohn Text: M. Sohn / R.